Radiance Chiropractic Healing Center

Your True Connection to Wellness

 What is the Yuen Method?

The Yuen Method is the resulting product of ancient Chinese Shaolin temple energy harnessing methods combined with the knowledge that anatomy, physiology, structural analysis, energetic techniques, quantum physics and Qi and Shen Gong collectively offer. The Yuen Method was created by Dr. Kam Yuen as a result of his lifelong study and experience with martial arts, nutritional therapy, homeopathy and in-depth experience as both a structural engineer and doctor of chiropractic.

The underlying premise of the Yuen Method can be explained as follows. Your body is best thought of as a biological computer. It is a miraculous piece of high tech equipment and it is time we started treated it as such. But when you buy a computer or any piece of equipment for that matter, it always comes with a manual. Something that gives you directions on what to do and how to do it. And as they say, life comes with no manual… Or does it?

The Yuen Method is your manual!

Because your body functions much like a computer – you are either on or off, or more specifically “strong or weak” to any given subject matter, person, or scenario in life.

The Yuen Method shows you how to precisely identify your weaknesses and strengthen yourself accordingly, all without any type of physical contact. These collective weaknesses are the core cause of the differing types of problems we experience in life, whether they are physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, psychic, or psychological.

There is no doubt that changes in internal, mental energy can create visually measurable external, physical changes. This is most easily explained by the experience of goose bumps. And so it is by energetically strengthening our collective physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, psychological, and psychic weaknesses that we can in fact delete the resulting symptoms they have unknowingly caused us, even preventing those we may have experienced in the future otherwise.

Strengthening a weakness is much like flipping a switch on a computer. It is instantaneous. If you are weak to any given thing, you simply make yourself strong. Of course the obvious question then becomes, how exactly does one go about identifying their weaknesses?

First, one must identify the root source that is causing that weakness. The Yuen Method provides a systematic process enabling you to use the insight you already have in order to identify the deeper core issue(s) that are related to the problems you may be experiencing in life. Is it only by precisely identifying the true root source of the weakness that it becomes an instant possibility to delete the physically manifested symptoms of that weakness as well as any related fears, phobias, and/or limitations.

Humans are multi-faceted beings with the aforementioned six levels of consciousness. We are multidimensional and thus need to utilize a multidimensional approach to our own health. That is exactly why the Yuen Method is both incredibly efficient and unique in that it works to ensure that all levels of consciousness are congruent so that weaknesses can be strengthened on all levels, enabling pain to be deleted and goals to be attained immediately. The Yuen Method makes it possible to strengthen our weaknesses and achieve our own infinite potential.

The path of health, prosperity, integrity, success, and freedom from stress and pain are the birthright of every human being. The insight we need to achieve these things is already inside us. You do not need any special gifts. You don’t need to meditate, be psychic or have any specific religious beliefs. You do not need to rely on expensive health experts to provide you with their high priced opinion. You only need to allow the results the Yuen Method achieves before your very eyes to speak for themselves.

For more information on the Yuen Method please visit:
