Radiance Chiropractic Healing Center

Your True Connection to Wellness

Lion's Gate Upgrade Plus a Special Summer Clean-up with Divine Mother Sophia!! Repair, Restore and Rejuvenate Extravaganza Nighttime Session Live via Zoom 8/08/24 at 7pm
A Live Zoom call has been added to this event. Thursday 8/8/24 at 7 pm I will be live via Zoom to take you on a journey to celebrate the Lion's Gate Portal with a special appearance by Divine Mother Sophia to provide a Summer Cleanup ( for a nominal additional cost of $66 for those who want it) and restore, renew and upgrade your system.
If you can't make the live call, not to worry.  A recording of the event will be emailed to you for you to listen to prior to going to sleep on Friday or Saturday night.

Lion's Gate Live ONLY 8/8/24 @ 7pm est


Lion's Gate Live plus Divine Mother Sophia Cleanup Bundle (savings of $131.00)



Lion's Gate Pre-recorded 8/9/24


Lion's Gate Pre-recorded 8/9/24 plus Divine Mother Sophia Cleanup Bundle (savings of $131.00)


Urgent! Calling All Lightworkers ! All Sensitives!  All Empaths!!
     Are you tired, exhausted, overwhelmed, impacted by the excessive heat, feeling defeated like "what's the point, anyway, nothing ever changes!" Or are you tired, exhausted and overwhelmed by the injustices in the world? Questioning the validity of your soul's messages and the messages of the Angels and the Divine Masters of Light? Have you had thoughts of giving it all up and just wanting to be "Normal"? Or thoughts of climbing into bed and pulling the covers over your head until this Maddness ends? Are you overwhelmed by those around you, especially family members and friends who's lives seem to be in chaos?
     You're not alone! With the current astrological weather of  Venus in retrograde  in Leo  can create a very turbulent and volatile internal environment leading to turning relationships upside down as you rehash past patterns and partners!  Not only for yourself but for your loved 0nes too. Venus in Leo communicates in way about being seen and heard and honored when it comes to Self, beauty and money. 

 Are you feeling unseen and unheard, not feeling beautiful or worthy? We are all being  asked to process patterns and emotions regarding feeling unseen and unheard, that we stuffed way down and repressed, in order to keep going.  For sensitive empaths this can be quite overwhelming as we are being bombarded by the emotions and energies of our family, co-workers, friends and humanity as they are also being impacted by these astrological events!  This combined with the energies and effects of the South and North Node Destiny Points and portal Gateways, Multiple Time-Lines being rolled up and or merged, Full moons, Super Moons, Blue Moons and Mercury in Retrograde!  As well as other planetary forces and energies has had many of us questioning our sanity, our effectiveness, our next step as far as our purpose , our relationships and our physical health!

     When the energies are this intense I often say it's like being thrust to the bottom of the ocean after you've been hit by a big wave.  You can't find your way to the surface. The past few months not only do we find ourselves at the bottom of the ocean, deep within the ocean floor with wave after wave crashing in causing us to go tumbling head over heels.... but NOW The sharks are circling and the octopus is suited up with boxing gloves! We keep taking hit after hit.  We may be lucky enough to fight our way to the surface gasping for a few precious gulps of. We feel restored and rejuvenated for a day or two or an hour or two, only to be toppled over by the next big wave..... and the cycle continues....

     This constant barrage causes damage to our human energetic system. We can experience mechanical breakdowns, equipment failures, memory loss, systems overload in the form of hot flashes, numbness and tingling as our wires are short-circuiting, deep pain in the belly as if we've been punched in the gut, headaches that are off the charts, or dull constant aches in the head, neck, shoulder and lower back pain.

     But we keep going!  We keep showing up another day! Following our soul and our intuition because that's what a Light Warrior Does! We can't sustain this level of intensity when our systems aren't functioning optimally.  It's like trying to run a multilevel, multi-functioning/tasking software program on an outdated computer operating system from 1999.  It won't work,  there will be glitches or downright failures.

     It's time for an Upgrade! It's time t0 embrace your Joy! It's time to embrace the Divine Grace that is all around you!

     As a Special dispensation from Divine Mother Sophia and Seraphim Seraphael and the Sirus Lord Lions of Light, I have been instructed to offer nighttime Repair, Restore and Upgrade Sessions for my fellow Warriors of Light! As well as to combine what has been historically 2 separate workshops, into one!  The Divine Mother Sophia Spring/Summer Cleanup along with the Lion's Gate Portal Gateway Extravaganza a one evening, 2 hour Live event combined with the overnight Repair and Restoration work.

These sessions are tailored specifically to each individual because what needs to be repaired and recalibrated is different. The benefits are the same...you will feel stronger, balanced, more functional, empowered and upgraded!

I will be Live via Zoom on Thursday August 8th and recording the event for those who can not join Live. For those who purchase the recorded event, the audio will be sent once the Live event has concluded. So you may  listen to prior to going to sleep on Friday or Saturday night.  You will also have the option to upgrade your Lion's Gate experience and purchase the Divine Mother Sophia Cleanup Bundle which is only available at the time of purchasing the Lion's Gate event. Once you register you will get a confirmation email containing the Zoom details for the Live event or an email regarding the pre-recorded event.

Cost:$211              Lion's Gate Upgrade alone
Bundle Cost $277      Divine Mother Sophia Cleanup Bundle (normally $197 for a savings of $131.00)

This entire event pairs beautifully with Kathryn Irish's Lord Lugh event happening over the next few days.  Its an excellent compliment in which to enhance your ability to reach your fullest potential and highest golden trajectory.
Please check out her event at www.kathrynirish.com